Take Speech Outside!
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

Take Speech Outside!

Summer time is one of my favorite times of the year! With having littles, going outside and playing is super fun and exciting and is an easy way to incorporate some speech skills. My kids love exploring and just being outside.

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What is Pragmatic Language?
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

What is Pragmatic Language?

Pragmatic language refers to how we use language in social situations to communicate effectively. It involves the words we use and our tone of voice, body language, and understanding of social cues. It also includes turn-taking, staying on topic, understanding and using nonverbal cues, and adjusting language based on the listener and situation. For many children, learning to use pragmatic language can be challenging, and speech therapy can be a helpful tool in developing these skills.

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In-School versus Outpatient Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

In-School versus Outpatient Speech Therapy

Speech therapy can occur in different settings, including in-school and outpatient or clinic settings. In-school services and outpatient services are available, however they will need to qualify. There is a different process to qualify for in-school speech services and outpatient services. In some cases, children may qualify for both in-school and outpatient services. Here are some key differences between these two types of services and when each may be appropriate.

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Aided Communication
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

Aided Communication

Aided language modeling or stimulation is a language intervention technique that uses augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices to facilitate communication in children with limited or no functional communication. SLPs can use this aided communication technique in therapy, or parents can implement this in day-to-day life. Aided communication is demonstrated in context to present an augmented interaction model using the AAC device as the main mode of communication for the child.

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What are AAC devices?
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

What are AAC devices?

AAC devices, or Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices, help individuals with difficulty communicating verbally. Children who struggle with verbal communication can include children with speech and language disorders, as well as those with physical disabilities that affect their ability to speak.

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More Games to Boost Executive Function Skills

More Games to Boost Executive Function Skills

Executive function skills refer to a set of cognitive processes that help us manage our thoughts and actions effectively. These skills are essential for success in school, work, and life in general. Fortunately, there are many fun and engaging games that can help develop executive function skills

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Working with Teachers as an In-School Therapist

Working with Teachers as an In-School Therapist

Communication and collaboration may seem complicated, as therapists and teachers may be busy and overwhelmed. Communication and collaboration can become even more complicated when a therapist treats in multiple schools. However, working with teachers inside and outside the classroom should be considered part of a child's treatment and a crucial one at that.

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Fun Christmas Activities for Your Kids

Fun Christmas Activities for Your Kids

Christmas time is coming up fast, and keeping the kids busy can be exhausting for many parents. The ideas listed below are very easy things to do to keep your kids busy and occupied while having fun; all the while, we parents can get what needs to be done, done. Of course, feel free to join your child in these activities. They will love it, or set them up and let them go!

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Sensory Processing Around the Holidays

Sensory Processing Around the Holidays

Christmas is a time of joy, family, friends, presents, beautiful lights, decorations, crafts, holiday gatherings, and more! However, this season can be challenging if your child struggles with sensory processing. Taking time to prepare for an accommodate these sensory issues can make the holidays for enjoyable for both you and your child.  Keep reading to discover how to help your child have the best Christmas!

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Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas Gift Guide

Christmas is around the corner and gift buying for your little ones can be tricky.Instead of asking yourself “What do I get my kid” this year, let me help you! I put together a list of my favorite toys as a speech language pathologist that can promote language with your help of course. On the list I put together, you will notice a theme of hardly any electronic toys! This is important. Children need social interactions with others and not with their toys to build their language skills. Being present and playing with these toys with your child is super important.

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Phonology and Phonological Disorders
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

Phonology and Phonological Disorders

Speech therapy deals with speech sound disorders, an umbrella term for many speech issues, including phonological and articulation disorders. We’ve already discussed the importance of articulation, but what is the difference between articulation and phonology? Keep reading to find out!

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What are the Important Gesture Milestones for Your Child?
Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz Speech Therapy Vicky Moroz

What are the Important Gesture Milestones for Your Child?

Gestures are one of the earliest forms of communication. They are a good indication of how your child’s language will develop.

Your child learns gestures by watching you and your reactions. The earliest gestures serve as a way to get attention and communicate the child’s needs. Gestures are what lay the foundation for language development.

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